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It is our favorite recreation. A hobby is generally an art in which a person is most interested. Essay No 6 My hobby Gardening(300 words): Our hobbies dramatically improve ourselves and our personal traits with overall work performance and mood too. They help us to find the latent talents that we seldom understand and they open the doors for elements that are near us for learning every day a new thing like a stamp collection, music, knowledge, intellect or history of different matters. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas.

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"Hobby is an activity that you do for please when you are not working." A hobby is a special work which a person does for the sake of the amusement and pleasure. It is our favorite recreation.

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Essay quotation my hobby

My Hobby English Essay with Quotations for Inter, BA Classes. There is no compulsion about a hobby It arises purely from personal taste Every boy or girl should have a hobby for spare time, for as the poet said "Absence of occupation is not rest. A mind quite vacant is mind distressed.

Essay quotation my hobby

"Hobby is an activity that you do for please when you are not working." A hobby is a special work which a person does for the sake of the amusement and pleasure. It is our favorite recreation.

Essay quotation my hobby

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